Contribution and Role

Contribution and Role:

My contributions were in the recording of the actors whilst Alex directed. This involved me setting up the microphone to record, setting the levels and monitoring the recording process as Alex directed the actors on the way in which he wanted their lines to be said. After the main recording session we also recorded some foley in the foley room of the Sound Theater. I also contributed by lending my own voice for the minor role of the bandit character.


After we had successfully recorded everyone’s vocal part I had the job of dialogue editor. This involved me taking all the clips that we had recorded, discarding the out-takes and firstly sorting each line in to what we viewed as the best take, and then one or two other takes.

This looked like:

logic pro screenshot


This proved quite a lengthy task as we had 6 talking characters, each with two or three good takes for each individual line of dialogue. Even though a lot to work with it proved to be beneficial, in that we could mould the sound of the conversations in several different ways depending on the way the actor had delivered the line.

After this process was done, myself and Alex met up to pick which take we were going to use for each line, and started compiling it in to a final dialogue track. The individual actor’s dialogues were kept separate still to allow for editing later in the process.

One this was done I started building the atmospheric bases for the track, the sounds of the countryside, the market in the town of Iska, the games thrown for Lucius of the Marini, and the scene in the bathhouse.

Once I had completed this process I sent over the dialogue tracks and atmos to Alex to add the Foley that we had recorded whilst I started work on the Music for the scenes.


We did not want the music to become too invasive and detract from the story telling, so it was decided to use it sparingly. Music was composed by me and written after many listens through of each scene, recorded using Logic Pro X.

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